Find Untapped Value In Unstructured Data

Our solutions come in different packages priced to meet the needs of companies of all sizes – ranging from start-ups that can benefit from point solutions to large enterprises that need comprehensive scalable solutions.
Get started by downloading one of our free Product Category reports which provide novel insights to support your market research. Our analysis of millions of unstructured text and image data points helps you anticipate industry trends, identify white-space opportunities for new products and services, understand what product features are building vs. declining in importance and gain unbiased customer feedback about what is important to them.

Product Signals


Product Signals “Snap”: provides you a point in time analysis of 1 of your products and 4 competitors. Analysis includes: product feature sentiment scoring and insights about positive vs. negative drivers, benchmarks against competitors, product image analysis and price monitoring

Product Signals Managed Service: provides you all of the analysis in our “Snap” package but on an ongoing basis so you can evaluate how your product is trending compared to competitors

Product Signals Custom Solutions: we provide the Product Signals Managed Service as the foundation but customize the solution by integrating your internal sales and pricing data to provide a more comprehensive analysis of how product feature sentiment is impacting your pricing power and sales



Product Category Private Study: we use our proprietary mobile app to record videos and provide you transcripts of customer enthusiasts in a category of your choice. Customers “rant” or “rave” about the category to provide you an unbiased perspective of what they find important and feel the most strongly about. Pricing depends on number of respondents. A minimum of 10 is required.

Product(s) Private Study: we use our proprietary mobile app to record videos and provide you transcripts of customers that use products that you specify. Customers “rant” or “rave” about the products to provide you unbiased perspectives of what they find important and feel the most strongly about. Pricing depends on number of respondents requests. A minimum of 10 is required.

White Label Solution: we will take our proprietary mobile app and white-label it to you so you can brand it and use it on your web-site or other customer interaction channels to collect and analyze multi-media customer feedback. It provides your customers a more engaging experience and helps you get better feedback. Pricing depends on the number of customers.

U SAiY Data Stream: we provide you a data-feed that includes all the data we collect through our U SAiY mobile app about one or more product categories. Pricing is based on the number of product categories and users.

Company Signals


Company Signals Managed Service: provides you an analysis of a company from the outside in on an ongoing basis so you can evaluate how companies are performing. Analysis includes: product feature sentiment scoring and insights about positive vs. negative drivers, benchmarks against competitors, product image analysis and price monitoring.

Company Signals Custom Solutions: we provide the Company Signals Managed Service as the foundation but customize the solution by integrating additional company performance data to provide a more comprehensive analysis of a company’s performance.

Custom Solutions

Our team has expertise solving a range of business problems using artificial intelligence and other advanced data and analytics techniques. Please call us if you would like to discuss the “art of possible” to solve a specific problem.
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