Price And Rating | Wireless Speakers

The report starts by summarizing the review ratings and pricing for the products in the category.

Note: A zero (0) review count means that there was nothing in market or that the product has not yet been reviewed as of this date.

$100 Price Range $200 Price Range (Available Upon Request) $300 Price Range (Available Upon Request)  

Pricing And Rating (04.04.18)

This is the rating and price from Amazon on the day of April 4th, 2018

Soundlink Color Bose Bluetooth Speaker II - Black 4.3 $129.00 N/A
Flip 4 JBL Waterproof Portable Bluetooth Speakers - Black 4.6 $110.95 $85.00
XB20 Sony Portable Bluetooth Speakers - Black 4.5 $98.00 $68.00
Wonderboom Ultimate Ears Super Portable Waterproof Bluetooth Speaker - Phantom Black 4.4 N/A $55.00

Product Ratings By Month (2017)

Presents the average Amazon review rating by month of each product.

Amazon Review Rating in 2017

Graph Controls: This graph is interactive. You can hover over the plot points for more information, interact with the key to highlight specific features, or zoom in and out and move the graph itself.

Amazon Review Counts By Month (2017)

Presents the count of Amazon reviews posted by month for each product.

Amazon Review Counts in 2017

Graph Controls: This graph is interactive. You can hover over the plot points for more information, interact with the key to highlight specific features, or zoom in and out and move the graph itself.